Saturday, 5 October 2013

Of art; Poetry and Drama.


·         "Poetry may make us see the world afresh, or some new part of it. It may make us from time to time a little more aware of the deeper, unnamed feelings to which we rarely penetrate." – T.S. Elliot

·         Ted Nellen’s 5 points of poetry
o   Poetry is a concentrated thought.
o   Poetry is a kind of word-music.
o   Poetry expresses all the senses.
o   Poetry answers our demand for rhythm.
o   Poetry is observation plus imagination.

·         Types
o   Ballad
o   Concrete
o   Confessionals
o   Free Verse
o   Elegies (mourning and lamenting)
o   Epic
o   Epigram
o   Haiku
o   Sonnet (Shakesperean and Latin)
o   Villanelle


voice suppressed.
hands tied.
suffocated and lost.

voices penetrated.
hands shoved.
discriminated and alone.

and my thoughts
they wander in hell
pulling my heart
into the torturous fire.

but with these papers
they patch me up
with these ink and lead
they sew myself back.


·         "The theatre was created to tell people the truth about life and social situation." - Stella Adler

·         Elements
o   Character (Major/Minor)
o   Soliloquy/Monologue/Dialogue
o   Action
o   Plot
o   Setting
o   Symbolism
o   Irony (Verbal/Sturctural)
o   Theme

·         Forms
o   Tragedy- humans accepting their inevitable fate
o   Comedy- absence of pain
o   Melodrama- humans living in paranoia and anger
o   Tragicomedy- society struggles through the state of flux
o   Farce- exaggerated human physicals
o   Dark comedy
o   Interlude- genre that was famous in the medieveal times
o   History plays
o   Cycle plays- stories are from the Bible

o    Documentary
o    Mucical

image taken from


1. Jones, Janie. "The Forms of Drama." Santa Monica College. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Oct. 2013.
2. Nellen, Ted. "Poetry." Ted Nellen. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Oct. 2013.
3. University, Pacific. "Marvin Bell - On Poetry." YouTube. YouTube, 17 June 2007. Web. 05 Oct. 2013.

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